Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gone Fishin'!

I will be leaving for Alaska, tonight, and will not be back until the first week of August. I will be out of range of any technology with the exception of a land line. My cell phone may be out of reach, as well. See you all in August! ~Christopher

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Progress 2

La Fe Start

Starting the sketch of the final image. Working in Photophop CS4 Extended

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lightbox on my blog

I'm going to try to add lightbox to my blog so it will be easier to view pictures. I'll get to it later today.

Thumbnail Finals

These are the two that I'm going to run with and see what I come up with.

New book cover: La Fe by Jeanette Gilmore

Just wanted to poke in and let everybody know that I'm working on a new book cover for a collection of poetry by Jeanette Gilmore. Here are some thumbnails for you to look at. oooooh thumbnails.... More to come Soon.


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